Tuesday, September 4, 2007

The Super Ghetto Camera of mine

Now, not only is the lens scratched and full of sand, but somehow somewhere the button you push to take pictures fell off. Yea, fell off. And I checked my bag but it's not there. So now I can only take pictures with it by setting the timer and using a safety pin to set off the mechanism. It strikes me as unsafe. Grrrrrrrrr....


Anonymous said...

Hi Julia,
I'm sorry all is not going according to plan. Wait a second...there's a plan?? Anyway, I hope you are well. Bring your ghetto camera with you when you come back to NY and maybe I can fix it for you. Keep in touch. Mom and Dad say hi.


Gerry said...

Hi Julia,

I have been following you on your blog and I was sorry to hear about the problems you ran into getting to Wisconsin. I know you will be glad to get home for your Birthday. Write back when you have a few minutes.

Happy Birthday and bye for now.
