Thursday, August 13, 2009

The Great East Coast Adventure

The night before leaving on this great adventure, Irwin and I went out for Marni Thai with the lovely Misses Sophia and Bea. Delicious food that we had left overs of for breakfast as we watched the clock the next morning in anticipation; it time to leave for the airport.
Our flight was delayed due to the massive storms they've been having over the wast coast, so Irwin and I played chess in the cafe overlooking our departure gate, which clearly read out every new delay as "Delayed Weather". Eventually we also ended up circling for an hour outside New York as well. The captain announced at one point that we had enough fuel for about an hour and a half of circling and that after that we'd need to divert to refuel. But when we got on the ground the rain had left the air slightly cleaner.
We made it into Manhattan by rail and stumbled around Time Square looking at how it lit up the streets for blocks all around and how it was practically daylight in the square itself. Despite the late hour, or perhaps because of it, the whole area was full of people. Being a giant tourist spot in the middle of the Theater District, it's not surprising in the least. Also, the place is warm enough at night, during the day it's stifling.

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