Sunday, January 25, 2009

Goals for the New Year

Gung Hay Fat Choy!
This new moon ushers in the year of the Ox. Which means I'm starting a new 12 year cycle. It's exciting, and somewhat intimidating. How should I start it off? I want to set a good tone for the next twelve years.
So I have some goals I'd like to put down.
Goal 1: I am going to get off this continent and travel. I am going to visit someplace new.
Goal 2: I will work on my graphic novel.
Goal 3: I will finish at city and transfer.
Goal 4: I will get my own bow and get relatively good with it.
Goal 5: I will sew the clothes I bought the material to make.
Goal 6: At some point I will dress up like a pirate and take a boat out on Stow Lake.
Goal 7: I will go to the symphony and I will bring my sketchbook.
Goal 8: I will learn to drive and get my license.

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