I love the way this city looks at night. The lights reflected in the bay as you cross the bridge. It's magic.
I've made it back to San Francisco for my birthday. Many thanks to Jesse who made sure it happened.
Also, thank you to Irv and Gerry for the lovely birthday card. It was the first thing I saw when I got home. And thanks to Ennis for mailing me my flower collection which I left absentmindedly in the back of his car. My room now smells like desert sage and the wild-flowers of the the south west.
I'm probably going to be around the bay area for maybe the next three weeks before I hit the road again. Do not think, however that this is dead time for this blog. No, actually I'm going to use this time to collect some valuable input from you readers. I'm going to ask some questions, and whether you answer in comment, or email, the answers will be considered.
Firstly, I've been encouraged by nearly everyone I met on this trip to write a book. I'm curious to know what kind of book it is you people think I should be writing. As stands, there's already a collaboration between myself (Sparrow) and Faded. It's a correspondence that has actually been taking place since my trip when I was 18. We were planning on illustrating it and making it into a graphic novel... Any interest in that? I think we might actually blog the correspondence this time around if there is interest in it.
Next order of business. I'd like to know where people think it's absolutely essential to visit in this country. This could be anything from a state to a city to your favorite cafe. Let me know locations because I just might go there. Really.
I'm interested in visiting new places and new friends. The friends I made on this trip I just took are wonderful, and have all invited me back. So I'm pretty sure I'll be hitting some of the same cities. But this time it'll be more in depth. So even if I've been to the city already, let me know what I should see there!
Lastly (for now, but not for long), I'd like some music suggestions for my next trip's soundtrack. This might sound like an odd request, but good music is key to a long trip.
awww welcome back and happy birthday!!
we must hang out asap..
this coming wednesday???
i would love for when i move to nyc, you could visit and i could introduce you to my sweet friends there... i have a feeling you will get a long really well.
there is this island off the coast of bellingham, washington. i have always wanted to go there, apparently you can see orcas and other fat adorable marine life. but i am not going to lie, colorado is f-ing beautiful and you should come see it.
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