Stuck in Kansas City, Missouri. Luckily, I was in good company. May I present Samantha and Josh. Two awesome kids from Portland, Oregon. Man do they have stories to tell.
We were together for the first two days of the journey from the twin cities down to Salt Lake City, Utah.
They've invited me up to Oregon to spy out a beach with a shipwreck you can climb on.
Can you say awesome? I'm so there.
We did pass some really awesome windmills in the construction phase. Anyone who's driven highway five, or through the southwest (hey Ennis!), or even just seen some of my watercolor paintings, knows my preoccupation with these beauties. Apparently the turbines are 150 feet in length and the generators in the middle are the size of a greyhound bus. They look so small from far away. But up close, these things are huge...
And here I saw a train going through the salt flats of the Great Salt Lakes in Utah.
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