Irwin and I went for a drive around Mount Diablo. We were trying to find the way up it and ended up circling it and getting lost on a winding road in the Morgan Territory Regional Preserve. It was a beautiful trip though. The clouds on Mount Diablo were incredibly dramatic and forbidding. But in the Morgan Territory the sun was out, shining on the golden California hills. The State colors. Brilliant gold of the hills and blue of the sky and a dark green of the oaks. I love these colors. And the wide open rolling hills are home to me. This is where I grew up. Biking along badly paved trails across lolling stretches and seas of waving golden grasses under the enormous blue expanse of sky you feel you can fall upwards into. Resting in the shade of the deep dark green oaks and the silvery green and pink eucalyptus. This is something I crave. The smell of wind over miles of warm grass.
As usual, while the sun was out (before the clouds came to cover us too), I was too busy twirling and climbing on tables and all to be bothered to take pictures. So you only get to see the cloud cover. But it's okay, you can imagine.
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