I introduced Elle to grapefruit, she calls it "sour" and asked if she could have more sour a lot, carrying around the last grapefruit.
Leah enlisted my help making a batman costume out of paper and proceeded to flap around the house in it the rest of the day. She also lost a tooth yesterday. She's in the process of checking now to see if the tooth fairy brought her anything.
They're really adorable. They also make me miss my sisters a lot.
I'm playing with them again today.
Sorry for the lack of updates, all. I'll try to be better about it, even through the frustration with my camera.
I'll be trying to find my way south now. Hopefully I'll be able to visit my wonderful cousins in Colorado, but so far I've gotten no luck in the ride department from here. I might end up needing to visit them after I return to SF for my birthday.
I actually have plans to spend Thanksgiving with them, so hopefully that'll be a longer sort of visit...
By the way, I'd like to acknowledge three birthdays right now. My mom's, which was yesterday, my wonderful friend Bea, who's birthday's today, and my honorary brother Jacob, who's birthday is tomorrow. I love you guys. Happy Birthday. Make a wish.

1 comment:
Thank you for the sweet birthday wish. I love you Julia!
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