Saturday, June 22, 2024


It's so interesting to look at these time capsule blogs. 

 Though I wrote these, I was both the same and oh so different. All of these posts bring the memories and emotions into bright clear view in my mind. I remember this person I was. 
 And so much of me is still the same. The love of the open road. The need to spread my wings and experience life, not just watch it pass. There is far too much in this world for us to only stay in our tiny corners. And though the world is incredibly accessible these days via the internet, it is so different to actually BE there, somewhere different, and feel and breathe it all in. 
 These days I have a partner who has the same wanderlust and craving for the road and the experiences it brings. And a tiny human who lets us see even things we've experienced with the eyes of someone somewhat new to the planet. It may take a bit more planning and money to travel with a tiny human, but we're making it happen and I love it so much! 

 The bucket list is neverending, and sometimes I think perhaps I should pick back up here and record the new adventures. Then in another fifteen years, I can look back at those too and smile at who I am now.

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