So on Saturday my friend Jimmy had an opening at Cafe Di Bartolo in Oakland. Irwin and I took public transit out to see it, and ended up getting slightly lost on the 1.6mile walk from the 19th street bart station to the cafe... Ok, so it was my fault. I wrote down "walk until you see it" as the last part of the directions, not anticipating a rather confusing and obnoxious jump in address numbers. Anyways, we DID make it, and Jacob and Grayson met us there. Afterwards we left to find food and headed back to Jacob's where I fell asleep waiting for David to get there. So they went to play pool without me and I got a little sleep, slightly disturbed by allergies and something that bit one side of my body and not the other.

Sunday I went to the Walnut Creek Farmer's Market and got some Rainbow Orchards Apple Juice, which I brought over to WCI where Irwin and the guys were playing basket ball. After they tired themselves out I shot a few hoops while they were trying to decide where to get food.

Jimmy came up with the brilliant suggestion of getting pie at Marie Callender's, so we went and got some lunch and two pies, which ended up being a little too much, but immensely entertaining, as Jimmy tried to cut it and distribute it. There were six of us and unfortunately Marie Callender's likes to insert a blunt ineffective slice divider that cuts each pie into five.

So anyways, I told Matt I'd put up some pictures of people up here. Here are a few. Maybe this summer we can get some with YOU in them with us, Matt.
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