So First of all, today is my oldest sister's birthday. Miss Sophia turns 20 today. (Wow, I feel old)
Happy Birthday Sophie. I hope this year is amazing for you.

Yesterday Irwin and I got up and took the 18 bus to the Zoo. Yes, the same zoo where the Tiger was shot. It's got a lot of new barriers up. And less tigers...

It was a lot of fun though.
My Biological Anthropology teacher was giving an extra credit lecture there. The college can't have any official fieldtrips because people are idiots and try to use them as excuses to sue the college for any possible misfortune they may happen to suffer on them or even on their way there and back. Anyways, whatever, it was great.

He had a lot of interesting things to say about the primates, pro-simeons, and marsupials. The Gorilla exhibit is still closed because after the tiger attacked those guys that were being jerks to it, the zoo put up cameras and found that people make a habit of throwing things and yelling at the animals. The Gorillas apparently get a lot of torture from the idiots that visit. But for the most part the animals are now enjoying a little peace, thanks to the slight reinstatement of respect that that tiger bought them with its life... And the signs that are now posted in front of every exhibit warning people not to torment the animals under threat of legal penalties...

Oh yeah! I did have my shoes pecked by a rather confused Guinea Foul though. It as rather like being charged by a very small raptor. Or a rather dinosaur-like chicken.

Phascolarctos cinereus
Ursus Maritimus

Ursus Arctos

After the zoo we went to Ocean Beach and had a picnic on the wall while we watched an ultimate frizbee tournament. That was pretty fun. It was a beautiful day and there wasn't even a cold wind at the beach. Just warm sunshine. So no sand got in my peanut butter and banana sandwich. The last two teams to play each other in the tournament kind of reminded me of the game between the Warriors and the Suns. Both were high scoring teams with great offenses and weak defenses.

We came home and watched The Princess Bride, and then I made some pasta and a salad, with Irwin's help. It was really delicious, but I forgot to warn Irwin that I made the salad dressing kinda spicy. Sorry Irwin!
I just found out today that one of my friends from middle school/ the high school years (if not the actual high school) is engaged. So I'd just like to say congratulations to Deirdre here too. Luck with the dresses D! And the ring re-sizing! =P
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