I spent New Years with my favorite people. I love New Years because you get to choose how you spend it and who with. There are no

forced customs really except staying up to watch the clock turn and hear everyone around you suddenly burst out shouting happily.
Irwin and I got some prosciutto and manchego and some really delicious sparkling pear juice to welcome in the new year (Sweet and Salty.

The way you're supposed to do it to bring luck and happiness. These things are important.) and we stayed in and spent a low-key night watching season 2 of Bones on dvd (Irwin's Christmas present to me). I'm such a geek. Even my guilty pleasure TV series is about Anthropology and I only watch once it's come out on dvd. ANYway, it was perfect.

And mom walked in five minutes after we heard the sound of the whole city shouting and banging and setting off fireworks and firecrackers. It was nice getting to see her in the first five minutes of the New Year. Poor thing was just coming home from work.
The next day we woke up pretty late, and then Sophie joined us and we went to Sushi Bang (one of my absolute favorite sushi places.

The woman, Susie, who works there knows me by name because I've been going in there since they opened. Irwin and I were some of their first customers. Anyway, I got to spend a happy time eating delicious food with Irwin and Sophie.

New Years is much MUCH better than Thanksgiving or Christmas for me.
Anyways, it continued to be awesome as Irwin and I caught the 2 downtown and walked through Chinatown, where we stopped in several stores to polk around and look at stuff and only actually buy stuff (stone chops and some new carving tools) in one of my favorite stores that is going out of business, and through the eastern end of North Beach to Cafe Greco. Milk and chocolate mousse cake in a lively warm cafe was the perfect end to New Years Day.

Irwin Being "serious", and me being definitely not.

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