Monday, November 26, 2007

A Forray into Fire Land and the Safe Return

First of all, I'd like to say a big Thank You to my cousin Gwen and her awesome boyfriend Matt for the ride down to San Diego. Cheers!

Secondly, I'd like to say: Oh yeah, by the way, I went to San Diego!
It wasn't a long visit. And if I could have I'd have stayed longer. But I have a passport issue to attend to, so I had to come back.

To all the people in LA who I wanted to visit and haven't gotten to this time around: I'm sorry! I miss you! I'll try to get down there again soon, but I really do have to work to make sure I have the money for school books and stuff for the upcoming semester...
Yes, I can be responsible too.

So anyway, I did have fun in the land of crazy and horribly constant fires. My family had been evacuated a few weeks ago when the fires came ridiculously close to burning down their houses. Luckily they're back at home now and safe to boot. (Others weren't so lucky. A few people were burned in their cars as they tried to flee. The fire was faster. One couple survived by staying in their pool as the fire burned their house to the ground and reduced their yard to ashes. I feel bad for the animals. There are a lot of horse ranches down there, and the fires are too fast and too unpredictable for most of the animals to be saved... But I've digressed, and this is depressing.)

Back to the having fun bit. I did. I got to see a lot of my dad's side of the family that I also hadn't seen in years. It's funny having your entire family remember you as a pre-teen when you're 22. I got a lot of shocked looks and gasps when I pulled out my ID to get a wrist-band allowing me to order alcoholic beverages if I so chose (which I didn't).

My Aunt Marcy threw my Uncle Peter a surprise party which was awesome.

It was the first time I'd met a few of my younger cousins too. I have to say, Jenna is ADORABLE. There's no getting around it. And she's crazy smart too.

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