Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Thunder Storms and Studying

So today I stayed in and studied. I'm trying to finish work for my sociology class today.
Outside the clash and roll of thunder can be heard at intervals. It's been going on since early this morning.
I met Oleg's friends Matt and Tiffany today. I like them, they're really friendly with a great sense of humor. It really makes the study breaks fly by.
Tomorrow I should be going to the Museums in Nashville before getting on the airplane to New York. I'm excited.


Faded said...

In bocca al lupo!
(While searching for the spelling of bocca...wikipedia taught me these fine gems.)

other variants:
* "In culo alla balena!" ("Into the ass of a whale!"), sometimes added to "In bocca al lupo!", the response to which is "speriamo che non caghi!" ("hope it doesn't defecate [vulgar]")
* "In groppa al riccio!" ("On an hedgehog's back!"), the response to which is "Con le mutande di ghisa!" ("Wearing underpants made of cast iron!")

So in groppa al riccio!

Anonymous said...

i'd like to comment on irwin's comments . . . Santa Cleopatra! Questo wiki e bufo!